I regret nothing postal
I regret nothing postal

i regret nothing postal

  • One of the errands on Monday of Paradise Lost tasks you with investigating the Creature Control Center and Pets' kennels to see if they have Champ.
  • Only one ends up getting in, but the game treats this as a full reload, meaning you got six shots again.
  • The Beta Shotgun reload is just the Dude taking a handful of shells and attempting to shove them into the ejection port.
  • Every single time an NPC farts, they go "Ohhh, yeah".
  • At the Military Base, once you're at the warhead room, you can damage one of the warheads on the shelf.
  • Cut to the Dude in the middle of Lower Paradise, the streets coated in blood and feathers, as the Dude comments "man, that's the most incredible thing I've ever done!". However, before you can do anything, the game is interrupted with a message claiming that Running With Scissors doesn't have the budget to include the pigeon hunting mission.
  • In Apocalypse Weekend, after the cow hunting mission, you are tasked to partake in "pigeon relocation" and handed a rocket launcher.
  • Before he is arrested, he pleads to the guards: "Hey, it's not my fault.
  • After The Postal Dude raids the terrorist camp, he is arrested by National Guard.
  • And then a rampaging elephant ''also'' shows up out of nowhere and kills him before he can do anything.
  • Immediately following the elephant-killing errand in Apocalypse Weekend, one of the animal rights activists shows up out of nowhere and declares you must be stopped.
  • The Dude: You, with the face, I'm looking for some easy cash. It also calls back to the petition, where the Dude tells the last person you ask to tell him if they've seen the dog in the picture, or else he'll follow them home and kill their dog. The Dude seems oblivious at first, but then quickly catches on. First is asking around for info about Champ on Monday, wherein the Dude shows off a picture of Champ to ask if the person has seen them.
  • Paradise Lost gets not one, but two successor errands to the petition-signing.
  • i regret nothing postal

  • And the reason for the petition? To make whiney congressmen play violent video games.
  • Most cases, the person runs in terror at the third attempt. The third time has the Dude threatening the person with violence to themselves and loved ones if they do not sign the petition. The second attempt is the Dude irritatingly asking again, wanting to be done with the whole thing in general. However, not everyone will immediately sign it. All you need to do is walk up to multiple random people and ask them to sign the petition.
  • The petition-signing mission is pretty funny, and a good change of pace from the run-and-gun nature of the rest of the game.
  • Say, aren't those things more valuable after the person is, um. Wife: Hey, did you get Gary Coleman's autograph? I can get a small fortune for it on eBay.

    I regret nothing postal